Tuesday, August 13, 2013

weeks 23, 24 & 25

So I am a little behind on posting Caitlin's weekly photos.  We have had a couple busy weeks, first we went camping, then I went to Nashville with Jason and Caitlin.  I am finally home and just trying to get caught up on everything. 

Week 23
So we planned a family camping trip with Dad and Val, we had a rough time trying to find a weekend that worked for everyone.  We finally came up with this weekend, it was the one that worked for the most people.  I wasn't completely sure as to how well Caitlin would do but I was willing to risk it.  So this week Caitlin got her first experience with camping, and overall she did amazing.  She also had her first food while camping, I gave her some watermelon and she LOVED it.  I guess its time to get her some food.  Before we left I took her to insta care, she has been fussy for a couple of weeks, I just wanted to make sure there wasn't something I was missing.  She was perfect nothing wrong with her, and I found out she weighted 16 pounds.  Still sleeping through the night and overall a good baby. 

Week 24
This was another big week for little Caitlin, it was her first plane ride.  We were tagging along with Jason on his trip to Nashville.  She did pretty good on her first flight, I was able to time her feedings just right so I was feeding her while we took of and she fussed for a few minutes but overall I can't complain.  We spent the week in Nashville and for the most part she was such a good baby, she slept great and was pretty good, but she was held a whole lot.  She was a little harder on the flight home, but still was pretty good.  I have been giving her rice cereal every day and so far she loves it. 

Week 25
We spent another couple of days in Nashville and then flew home.  This flight we got to have a whole row for the three of us which was really nice Caitlin fussed a little bit more on this flight, but then she fell asleep and I was able to lay her down on the seat between Jason and I.  Once we got home Caitlin had to be broken of a few bad habits.  While we were in Nashville she was a held a whole bunch and she got off schedule with her naps.  She now wants to be held all day long and she wont sleep for much longer than an hour at a time.  So it has been a rough week getting her back to her normal schedule.  She also isn't sleep through the night like she normally does, I am exhausted and missing my normally happy and easy going baby girl.