I can't believe she has been with us for 6 months now, the time has just flown by. At her check up today she weighted 17 lbs and was 26 1/4 inches long. That put her in the 80% for weight and 70% for height she is one healthy baby girl. This week I decided to just sit her up on the floor and she has been sitting up ever since, and she sits really well. She has been eating food and seems to love it so far. We are still working on different flavors and textures but so far so good. Some of her accomplishments so far, she sits up, she rolls over from back to front all the time, and just started going from stomach to back but not all the time. Her feet are constantly in her mouth, she is a little jabber box and drools all the time. She is taking two naps and sleeping through the night. She takes her morning nap two hours after she wakes up in the morning, it is never very long usually 1/2 to an hour long. Then she takes a longer afternoon nap around 2 or so and will sleep for about 3-4 hours. She is having cereal and vegetables at night and that usually extends how long she can go between feeding. I seriously can't believe how much I love this baby girl she makes our family complete.
12 hours ago
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