Wednesday, December 11, 2013


This year we hosted Thanksgiving at our house.  We have the space to hold everyone all in one room.  I was pretty excited for this but soon realized that when it comes to hosting large groups I was lacking in a few kitchen things.  I had to buy some more dishes and a few serving things but in the long run I will be able to use them over and over again.

We split up the food assignments so that one person wasn't overwhelmed with all the food.  The menu included: Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, cauliflower and cheese sauce, bacon Brussels sprouts, sweet potato casserole, rolls, pickles, olives, stuffed celery, apple salad, sparkling cider to drink, and for dessert we had carrot cake, lemon cars, and a pumpkin dump cake.  It all turned out amazing and it was nice to have everyone all together.  I almost forgot, we also had a couple cheese balls and crackers, and a fun cereal treat to snack on. 

At the end of the night before everyone headed home I insisted on a family photo.  Caitlin was thrilled

Good news was she was happier when we tried to get a family photo of our little family, but don't think it wasn't a challenge, dragging the boys away from the computer long enough for a quick photo was almost impossible.  You would of thought I was killing them by making them have their picture taken.

I am so thankful for this little family of mine, some days they drive me crazy and I want to run away but I love everyone of them and can't imagine my life without them.  I am also grateful to live close to the rest of my family and that I can have both sets of my parents to my home and everyone gets along it is so nice.  I am also very grateful for this wonderful home that we live in and that it is big enough to have lots of family over and we can all be together.

Lastly I am grateful we were able to find yet another table and it was delivered in time for thanksgiving!  (this is another story for another day)