This week, Caitlin has decided that she needs to take one or two steps on her own in between the couch and ottoman. I am pretty sure she will be walking by the time she is one if not sooner. I can't believe that I am already talking about when she is one. I guess I better start planning her party!
She has still been vetoing baby food, she wants real food. I am missing the ease of opening a jar and feeding her.
This week Caitlin got to go outside during a snowstorm and she loved it, she kept trying to hold out her hands to catch the snowflakes, it was the cutest thing. I can't wait for Christmas next week, it will be fun to see what she does with her gifts. I didn't get her much with her being so young but I have had some toys tucked away for her for a couple of months that I have been dying to give her.
5 hours ago
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