Okay so I figured that I had better write about the boys birthdays and parties we had, that is right there were multiple celebrations this year. By the time the weekend was over I was done with birthday celebrations.
We started with Ashton's birthday, he wanted waffles for breakfast so I put a candle in them so he could blow it out. We gave him a couple of presents he could open that morning and the rest for his party. Grandma wanted to come ans spend some one on one time with both the boys on their birthday so she came and got Ashton and took him to McDonald's for lunch then they went to the Children's Museum at the Gateway. He had a blast and I think it was a great idea for him to get some undivided attention on his day. For dinner I let him choose what he wanted at first he said McDonald's so I had to veto that one and we went to Chick -fil-a. I am still in shock that Ash is 5 already the time has just flown by.

Friday was Noah's birthday and we started out the same way we did Ashton's but he wasn't hungry when he got up he just wanted to open presents. Then we had to take Ashton to preschool so off we went and then Noah and I got to go to Target, I let him have fruit snacks for a prize and I quickly got what we needed. We got Ashton picked up from preschool and then it was back home to wait for grandma to get here to take Noah for his birthday. Unfortunately all Noah wanted to do was stay at home and play with the new Thomas the train book and little trains and map he got. Grandma was able to finally talk him into going and they went to McDonald's for lunch then they came home. I let Noah decided what he wanted for dinner (well I did only give him a couple choices) we went to Panda and Noah ate a whole kids meal by himself, sometimes it shocks me at how well he eats. All Noah has been asking for was a Thomas the train cake, but we were doing a pirate party so I wasn't going to make him a Thomas cake, well I caved and with two cupcakes I had left over I made him a small Thomas cake. He didn't eat any of the cake he just ate the icing, that's my Noah!

Saturday was the boys pirate party, I stayed up late Friday night to get most of the work done so that I wasn't so stressed that morning.
We had 9 kids all together and it was pretty chaotic, but they had fun so I guess that is all that matters. We had a table set up with bandannas, eye patches, swords, and telescopes for each kid.
Once they had gotten on their stuff we started playing games first up was pin the eye patch on the pirate, only a couple of kids actually wanted to play so they played and then we moved on to another game. They had to walk the plank, then they had to dig for treasure. They were done playing games after about 20 mins. I let them play for a bit then had them all head to the kitchen and sit on the floor to have some snacks.

Once they were done eating it was time for presents, then it really turned crazy they were opening presents faster than we could keep track of. They were lucky boys getting some fun presents from all their friends. The funniest moment was when Ashton opened the present from Jason and I, it was wrapped in a diaper box and when he unwrapped it and found a diaper box, he was a little weirded out. I finally had to tell him to open the box and see what was inside. Once presents were opened we still had an hour till parents were going to be back to pick up their kids so they just got to play. Every time we have a party I learn something new at the end of the day the boys had fun and that is what matters.
I have to say I loved having one little girl among all these boys, she is such a little doll! According to Noah she is his best friend, it is so cute how much he likes Jerzie.
I wanted to get a picture of all the kids that came and was pleasantly surprised that they all came willingly and even all said cheese for the camera.

I left everything up because we were having a family party Sunday afternoon. I made a bunch of appetizers for people to eat, we had little smokies, meatballs, chicken strips, a veggie tray with dip, and salad. We finally cut into the cake and only made a very small dent in it. I do this every time we went up with way to much cake left over. I was going to send it to work with Jason but I forgot and ended up having to throw it away. After eating we opened presents and it was so funny watching the boys this time. My brother had called and asked me what to get them, they know how many toys they get so they don't like to contribute to that so I said to get them some clothes. When Ashton and Noah opened the present and found clothes, they both looked disgusted and threw the clothes on the floor, they also got some fruit snacks but they didn't care about that either. I guess you had to be there but it was pretty funny.

So after having 4 days of celebrations it was time to be done with the birthday celebrations. It is a lot to take.