Friday, July 1, 2011

IPhone pictures

So I have found myself only using my Iphone for all my pictures lately, then using the camera plus app to tweak them.  It is so handy and convenient because I always have my phone on me, plus it takes pretty decent pictures.

boys at McDonald's having dinner

Ashton has been waking up in the morning and coming and cuddling in our bed.  Sometimes he falls asleep again.

The boys found the winter hats and gloves and had a blast playing with them one evening.

The boys and I walked to the gas station and got a treat.  The boys had a blast me, not so much Orchard drive is a busy road to be walking along.

Noah wanted to wear my sunglasses, the sun was hurting his eyes.  We were on our way home from grandma's house and it was late so that is why Noah is in pj's. 

Ashton playing with winter hats.

The boys got balloons and loved having them tied to their wrists.