I can't believe Halloween is next week it is crazy how fast the time goes by, We have been trying to soak up this beautiful fall days before the weather gets cold.
Caitlin loves to be outside, we have been spending the afternoons at the park and she is so happy. She is such a good little eater, she loves food. I haven't found anything that she doesn't like.
She is a little screecher, she does it when she is happy it is the cutest thing. That's why I choose this picture because she is mid screech and it is so her right now.
I finally bought a bigger size onesie for her to wear, I was still putting her in the 3-6 month ones, I bought 12 month size, so these should last for the rest of the photo shoots.
She likes to talk, but nothing that really makes sense, she says dada, mama, and yaya.
She claps her hands and will put anything she finds in her mouth.
She is getting really good at pulling herself up against every piece of furniture she can. She has also started to cruise along the furniture a little bit too.
5 hours ago
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