Last year Jason and I wanted to re do our flower beds. So I pulled out the few bushes that were there and that was about as far as we got. I am not one that likes to do yard work. I love having a nice looking yard I just don't want to have to be the one to take care of it. Does that sound horrible? maybe but it is how I feel.
There are a few stray bulbs that are left. I am just waiting for them to go brown then I will pull them up and they will be gone.
So here came my mom to the rescue, (she does this alot coming to my rescue) she and a friend who knows a lot about flowers and stuff came up and looked at the flower beds and drew up a plan. They came up last week and made it happen. I love how it turned out, it looks great and I know it will look even better when things have a chance to grow and get bigger. I have even been out watering them everyday like I was told to for the first week. Lets say I am very glad I don't have to water like that any more. Ashton actually helped me water a couple of times, he lasted for about 5 mins and he was done but it was still fun to involve him.
Thanks mom and Catherine for coming and doing such a great job. I never could of done this on my own.
looks awesome!!
It was a fun adventure, I'm glad you like how it turned out. It will be even more beautiful as everything grows and fills in. Enjoy! Love Ya!
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