My dad invited us to go to Arizona for a week to see my grandma. We already had plans to go to Park city for the 4th, so I couldn't go with them, but I still did want to go. I decided to make the drive with the boys the next week. We left tuesday morning, and came home friday it was a fun week. The boys overall did awesome. We had a few meltdowns at the beginning of the trip, but once those were done, they were awesome the rest of the trip. We stopped in Moab, and had lunch and a break from the car. I would recommend that if you have to stop on the Indian reservation, make it a quick one. We had to stop and feed Noah, change diapers (in the car because the bathrooms didn't have anywhere to do it), get some snacks. During that time I was asked way to many times for money, food and rides. We finally made it to grandmas house, and the boys were so excited to be out of the car.
The first couple of days there, Dad and his two brothers were building a barbwire fence around the land next to grandma's house. I had to take care of the boys so I wasn't much help. I did move the truck a couple of times, and I did put on the last fence stay. Here are my Dad and two Uncles, taking a break.

My Uncle Gary brought his horses up for us to ride on Thursday, and Ashton loved it. He was so excited. Uncle Gary just let the horses into grandma's yard to wander around and eat the grass so we had to keep a close eye on Ashton, he wanted to run right up to the horses, and I could just see him getting kicked or stepped on. It was fun to watch the boys interact with Dad and Val. They don't see them as often as the other grandparents, so it was nice to spend time with them.
Ashton got to sit on Dakota bareback and he liked that, and couldn't wait to get on them again.

Dad put Ashton on Dakota and led him around in front of grandma's house, he did great holding on, he was loving the horses.

We went for a ride around Alpine, Ashton rode with Grandpa and was in heaven. I haven't been on a horse for almost 10 years, it was fun to ride again. I didn't take any pictures, as I was trying to hold on to the horse.
It was fun to see my cute 92 year old grandma climbing up on a horse and riding around.
After the horses were put away, Dad took Val and I golfing at the little 9 hole course in Alpine. It was different than most courses I have golfed at. They only water the greens and the tee boxes, so the fairways were a little rough, but it was still fun. I was nervous to leave the boys with Grandma, they can be a handful. But Uncle Gary and Tanner were there to help so I felt better about it.
It was a fun trip I am glad that I decided to go. It is always fun to see Aunts, Uncles, and cousins. It was really cute to watch Ashton interact with relatives that we don't see very often. He really took to Uncle Gary, he would follow him around the yard, at one point he held his hand while they were walking to the barn. I wish I had my camera with me then it was so cute.
On the way home Ashton rode with Grandpa and Grandma, so I just had Noah with me. It made the trip seem so much easier only dealing with one child instead of two.