Sunday, June 2, 2013

Noah Pre school graduation

So its that time of the year, school is ending and summer is right around the corner.  Noah has loved going to "brown house" as he has called preschool this year.  It has been good for everyone having him there, I was able to have a couple of hours to myself while both boys were in school.  Once we moved and Ashton switched to afternoon kindergarten Noah's teacher let Ashton come whenever he wanted and she didn't charge me for it.  At first Noah was not having it but he let him come sometimes.  It also helped me out sometimes when I had appointments or whatever, then when Caitlin came it was nice to have a little bit of down time again. 

Things Noah learned in preschool, was writing his name, some sign language, his alphabet and I am sure some more things that I don't know about because he doesn't like to perform on command. 

So for Noah's preschool graduation they had a little program consisting of some poems, some sign language and a few songs.  Of course Noah didn't participate in anything, he did stand with all the kids but stand was all he did.  He does clam up when he is uncomfortable and with all the parents there watching he was totally out of his element.  Ashton on the other hand since he has been going knew all of the songs and poems, and while he wasn't up there with all the kids he was sitting in the front and I could hear him along with all of the other kids which I thought was pretty cute.

Noah on the first day of preschool

Noah on the last day of preschool, I tried to get a picture of him and Mrs Gail but he wasn't having any of that


Mrs Gail and most of the class

Noah getting his hat, I actually missed this I was outside with Caitlin, she was super fussy and I didn't want any one to get annoyed with her so I stepped outside.  Another mom took this for me so I was grateful to her for that. 

I love the look on Noah's face

I am so looking forward to the summer, it will be nice to be free from schedules.  I am not sure what we are going to be doing this next year.  There are a few pre schools in our neighborhood that I am going to be looking into.