Jason and I have had the best day ever. My mom took the boys last night and is keeping them till tomorrow. I know I have the best mom in the world, she is willing to take the boys even when I know she is buried in things that she needs to do for herself, but she puts that aside to spend time with her grandchildren.
So last night we went to a late movie, we saw Easy A it was a cute entertaining movie. This morning we got up and tried to decide what to do. I threw out some ideas and Jason wasn't so keen on any of them, but lets face it if he had his choice we would stay home and not go anywhere (he is a homebody). But I wanted to do things that are not possible with the boys in tow.
We went to the Farmers Market downtown, and got some delicious peaches, Asiago Cheese Bread, and some Espresso and Lavender Rubbed cheese this cheese was amazing. We had some fire roasted pizza and topped it all off with some kettle corn. It was only about 1pm by this time and I wasn't really ready to go home but we did need to get the cheese in the fridge so we headed home and had a snack with our bread, peaches, and cheese and headed out again.
We next headed to some consignment shops in the area found a lot of cool things but nothing that we had to have, and for lack of anything else to do we went to another movie. This time it was Jason's choice we went and saw Wall Street: Money never sleeps. It was good I enjoyed it. We don't get to many movies any more so it was fun seeing two in two days.
I wasn't ready to be home yet and was hungry again, so we went to Sawadee for dinner. It was a beautiful night so we sat outside on the patio and had chicken satay and yellow curry. It was delicious and hit the spot, especially since I don't have to clean up anything.
It was such a wonderful and much needed day to spend with my husband with out the boys. I don't realize how much I miss spending time with him alone until we actually get to do it. I have said this before but I am so fortunate to have parents close by that are willing to take my kids and let Jason and I have time for one another.
3 hours ago
I need a day date. Can I borrow your mom please:)
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