We went to dinner at Pat's BBQ for the twins 30th birthday, the first thing I noticed when they got there was the fact that they were wearing matching outfits. I just had to laugh and take a picture. Aaron was not happy about the matching outfits, he said he is now going to keep an extra shirt in his car from now on so this won't ever happen again.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Here I go again
We went to dinner at Pat's BBQ for the twins 30th birthday, the first thing I noticed when they got there was the fact that they were wearing matching outfits. I just had to laugh and take a picture. Aaron was not happy about the matching outfits, he said he is now going to keep an extra shirt in his car from now on so this won't ever happen again.
Posted by Kara at 2:18 PM 4 comments
Friday, September 18, 2009
what's been going on around here
Jason is back in school, and so far this is going to be a rough semester. He has to do homework every night until midnight or later. He was reading business law, it must of been really interesting.
Dad retired from the State Hospital after working for the state for 33 years. They had a lunch and a roast. Dad was a good sport about being the center of attention, that is not something he usually enjoys. You can't tell in the picture, but his outfit was pretty funny. He was wearing the tuxedo jacket and shirt, basketball shorts, white socks and brown shoes. It was quite the outfit.
Val's parents and two of her girls Lindsay,and Leslie
I tried a new recipe, it was a chocolate cupcake with a caramel in the center, and cream cheese frosting.
Noah has said his first, well at least I am counting it as his first word, he said mama. I was quite excited about that. He has also finally figured out how to go down the stairs as of this morning, I still need to work with him on how to turn around at the top of the stairs to go down them, but he can go down them now. Noah loves to follow Ashton around, and Ash loves to entertain Noah most of the time. It is fun to watch them together.
Posted by Kara at 10:02 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009


Posted by Kara at 2:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Zoo Babies
Ashton cheezing it for the camera.
I cought Noah performing his new trick, standing alone.
The baby snow leopard was curled up with its mommy
Posted by Kara at 3:49 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
When did I get so old ?
This morning I found something. Something that I never truly thought that I would find. It made me a little sad to think that I am old enough to get these. I was combing my hair and I looked in the mirror and what looked back at me??? A GREY HAIR, I immediately did a double take, then I pulled it out. I know everyone says you should do this but I just couldn't help myself, it needed to be removed.
Posted by Kara at 1:11 PM 2 comments