Ashton has been in a big boy bed since Aug. now, we didn't want to buy another crib for this next baby so we just bought Ashton a toddler bed from IKEA. Overall he adjusted pretty well to the bed. We did have to put him back to bed a couple of times each night in the beginning. He soon adjusted and putting him to bed consisted of stories (some nights) and we would lay him down say goodnight and leave the room, with the door opened (if we closed it he will get up) and that was it and he wouldn't get up till the morning.
Well lately he has been wanting to come into our bed and sleep with us. I was so tired that I let him and that would end in Jason or I down on the couch. Ashton would want to sleep sideways in the bed and that doesn't work wit our queen size bed, plus he is such a restless sleeper I wasn't getting much sleep with him in the bed with me. So I have not put a stop to him coming to our bed. When he gets up we go back to his bed and lay down. Ashton does not like this at all he keeps pointing to our room and crying. It usually takes anywhere from 30 mins to 2 hours to get him to stay in his bed.
I will sit next to him till I think he is asleep then creep put of his room, sometimes this works sometimes it lasts a few mins. Now he is wanting us to lay down next to him. One night last week I actually laid him on the floor and I laid next to him and he fell asleep till morning. We need to get him a bigger bed, so we can actually lay next to him at night that would work much better than the floor I think. Hopefully I can get him back to his awesome sleeping habits in the next month before this baby comes. All I know is that I am tired all the time and I know that it is only going to get worse having a new born in the house.
5 hours ago
Yeah, I know what you mean! Preston has regressed to sleeping on his crib mattress on the floor next to his bed (a twin). I do not understand...I know he likes his bed, I just think it's a novelty thing for him. He totally goes in phases where he'll fall asleep in his bed (or the tiny one on the floor) and stay there till morning. Then some weeks it's like all heck breaks loose and we are all over the place. Musical beds is not a game I enjoy! I can imagine how much fun it's not 4 weeks before a baby is coming! I hope he gets back in the groove...
we have been there. i know your pain! hang in there and good luck fixing it before baby #2. it would be nice if you could be well rested BEFORE the baby comes.
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