On Saturday we headed to Camp Williams to a pool party, BBQ. It was for all the families in Leland's unit. It was a perfect day to be at the pool. It was HOT, with a little bit of a breeze. At first Ashton didn't want to get in the pool, but after watching kids playing for a little bit he decided he wanted to join in on the fun. Grandma was nice enough to get in with him, he had so much fun. We took a break had some lunch and it was back in the pool.

Daddy got in with Noah for a while, and had a great time. We had one small incident, there was a large tube that someone had brought that everyone was playing in. Ashton was having a great time along with everyone else. Well they needed to go so everyone got out of the tube, except for Ashton he wouldn't get out, so they just pulled to tube out of the pool with him still in it. Then the next thing I knew Ashton slid off the side of the tube right back into the pool (the deep end). I didn't even have time to react, and My mom dove in after him. Ashton wasn't even fazed he wanted to get back into the water and he did. When it was time for us to go, we could not get Ashton out of the pool, I tried bribery of all kinds and nothing worked. I finally just pulled him out screaming. It took a minute or two and a cookie, then things were fine again. It was a fun day outside in the sun and with family.

Ashton and Aaron playing. I thought it was funny that Aaron's hat almost fit Ashton's head. Either Aaron has a small head or Ashton has a large one :)

Just chillin by the pool

I loved this picture of the boys. Ashton wanted to hold Noah on his lap.

Noah fought going to sleep all afternoon. Finally he couldn't stay awake any longer.