Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Every year for Christmas eve we get together at my mom's house for a celebration with all of Myron's family. We have dinner, exchange presents and just enjoy every one's company. We decided to stay at mom's house instead of driving back and forth, it takes forever to pack up all the gifts and everything, this will probably be the last year we do this.

This year instead of the traditional drawing names and buying for that person, we did a gift exchange. It was so much fun one person picked a gift then the next person could steal that gift or choose a different one, until everyone had a gift. It was way more fun than just opening a gift, we are definately going to do this again next year.

Then of course Santa brought PJ's for the family. I tried to get a pic with the whole family but every time Ashton saw a camera he freaked out and did not want his picture taken. So no family picture this year. This was the best that I could get with the boys in their matching jammies on christmas eve. Ashton was watching Wall-E with uncle Leland and couldn't be bothered with a picture.


Bellamy Family said...

those are cute pj's :) You just nd to buy double and send me the bill