When I downloaded the pictures from our trip to Maui, we had taken almost 400 pictures so I needed to go through them and narrow it down considerably. I think I ended up putting about 60 pics on facebook and I am going to try to cut it down even more for the blog but there were so many fun things that it may be hard to do so I am warning you that this may be a LONG post.
Jason had to go to Maui for Gold circle and I wasn't about to let him go and leave me home. So we planned for me to go with him and we stayed an extra 2 days. Before we left I had been checking the weather and it showed that there was suppose be rain the whole time we were there, but I decided to not worry about it and just hope for the best.
I wasn't able to get on Jason's same flight, so I had to choose one that was a few hours later and I wouldn't get in until about 8pm that night while Jason got there about 3pm. I dropped Jason off and the airport and headed back home to finish getting ready I didn't want to spend any more time than necessary at the airport, it sure is nice to be so close to the airport. I had a straight flight to Honolulu, then a 4 hour layover before heading to Maui. I finally made it to Maui and got checked in and headed to find Jason, he was already at the welcome dinner. I got a drink and visited for a little bit and we went to bed. This is a bad pic from the iphone but I got a lei when I checked in it was kind of fun.

Day 2 and we had no set plans for the day other than Jason had his meetings each morning till about 10am then we had the rest of the day till dinner for what ever we wanted. We ended up getting a great deal last minute and we went zip lining, it was so much fun we had 10 people in our group and we did 5 different lines. One of the people in our group was a member of the US Sailing team, so it was kind of cool to get a chance to talk to him and learn about some of the things he gets to do while sailing all over the world. The first line we did was only about 480 feet and the last one we did was like 2600 feet and then everything in between.
Because this was a last minute decision to do this neither Jason or I had closed toe shoes that were required so they showed us a bin of old shoes we had to find something to wear. I was a little groused out but I got over it and made the best of it.
This was the third zip line we did, it went over a canyon.
This was the last zip line that we did it was like 2600 feet long or something like that. It went over two canyons you could see the north shore if you looked to the right and to the left was the mountain. It was so awesome it took us about a min to make all the way down.
The whole group that went zip lining, along with two of our guides.
That night for dinner we were suppose to have a picnic on the lawn over looking the ocean, but it rained in the afternoon and early evening so everything was wet, so our picnic was moved inside. The food was delicious and the company was enjoyable but I was bummed we weren't out on the lawn it would of been really nice.
Day three we had no plans until late afternoon so we just headed to the beach to enjoy the sunshine. We were going on a barefoot sunset sail, that was having an open bar and appetizers, then we were headed to dinner afterwards. So I based what I wore on going to dinner later.
When we got to the beach to get on the boat and saw the boat out in the water, we watched the crew getting on the boat and realized how wet we were going to get. That was when I found out that we were going to get wet to our knees. I was wearing a skirt that came to about my knees so I wasn't to concerned I thought I could just pull it up a little bit. In reality we all got much more wet than we thought. I was soaked up to my waist. Thank goodness I was in a light cotton skirt and by the time the sail was over I was pretty much dry, but I had to get off the boat.
Jason wasn't so lucky he was still soaking wet when we had to get off the boat. But other than the getting soaking wet part, the cruise was awesome. We got to see a ton of humpback whales and we were able to go around the rain so we didn't get wet and we got to see a beautiful rainbow. I tried to get some good pics of the whales but I missed all the great shots. This was the best shot of the tail that I could get.
This was our sunset, we saw this and headed back to shore and then we were able to quickly change out of our wet clothes and get on another bus and head to dinner.
Day four this was the last day that Jason had obligations for work in the morning, afterwards we decided to go snorkeling we rented the stuff we needed and headed out. I was a little nervous at first it is a really weird feeling to begin with but once you get use to it, it is awesome. We saw a ton of fish and even a turtle laying in this little cove on the coral.
We were right out past those rocks on the right of the pic while we were snorkeling. I wish we had an underwater camera so we could of taken some pics while we were out there.
We had dinner and entertainment that night with the rest of the gold circle group. We had some children dancers, and we got to hear from Zach Railey who is on the US Olympic sailing team, he was there for the gold circle and we got to spend a little time with him and learn a little more about sailing which was pretty awesome.
I know this is a long post so if you made it to the end, way to go!! I will finish the rest of the trip in another post. Hopefully I will finish it tomorrow.